数学练习资源 Links for Practice

Practice Makes Perfect. 熟能生巧!

要学好数学,研习请教 数学方法和技巧 之外,最重要的就是 多练习了。为此,我们推荐如下的数学练习资源 (这些网站都是英文)。

本篇提到的数学练习资源面向初中(6-8 年级)学生;在高水平的老师指导下使用更佳。


首先介绍一本图绘数学词典 – 大人孩子都可以用。如果数学学习和做题时有些词看不懂,这些可以帮你忙。

它收录了 630 个数学常用词汇,有彩图,有例子。易懂,给力!

(Tools)A Maths Dictionary for Kids 2017

如果你经常使用这本数学词典,可以做个书签 (Bookmark);以这样的方式,也是向作者致敬喽!


接下来是数学练习资源。点击(或触摸)如下链接, 就可以看到相应内容。刷到本页后面,我们有简要介绍!

  1. 由英国剑桥大学牵头 关怀下一代数学教育的人士开发的:

Lower Secondary Page – Grades 6-8

Interactivities, Practices, Games, Articles, etc.     ENrich Maths,
Cambridge, England.


  1. 由美国的教师 教育工作者提供的:

AGMath.com — for Grade 8

(本链接指向资源以 8 年级为主: Primary for Grade 8)

Algebra and Geometry for the Academically Gifted


  1. 网上教育开发商

AdaptedMind Math — for Grade 6

(有些内容也可以供7 年级学生练习参考 Grade 7 can also use)

注意:需要加入他们的会员(Member)才可以使用;包含一个月的免费会员(One Month of Free Membership)




上面提到的数学练习资源在内容设计与风格安排上各有千秋。Lower Secondary Math 的形式活泼,内容更新较快,是本栏目推荐的主要原因;配合的是英式教学体系– 他山之石,可以攻玉;AGMath 主要面向 8 年级,收集了代数和几何的基础内容,取材经典,而且有讲义有习题,可配合起来,在老师指导下自学最好。其中包含了美国数学竞赛如 MathCount 与 AMC 8  一些模拟练习与答案(Mock Questions and Keys), 对于有志于挑战的学生,不妨感觉一下,作入门指导之用。

Adapted Mind Math – for Grade 6 在开发上下了些功夫,形式上吸引人,内容丰富;较紧密配合了美国基础教育的大纲。


Lower Secondary Math 有灵气,而AG Math 注重基础,较为系统。Adapted Math 呢,结合了开发学生智力与提升兴趣的理念。– 是本栏作者的意见。


Smart scrambling of digits onto pyramid to match eee


The Problem A tetrahedron (as shown below) has four sides and six edges. Numbers from 1 to 11, except number 10, are each assigned either to a vertex or to an edge. The number assigned to an edge must equal to the sum of the numbers assigned to the two endpoints. Each of the numbers must be used exactly once.

问题  一个四面体有 4 个顶点和 6 条边。从 1 – 11 的数 (没有10),一一地被分配到边和顶点。每条边上的数字是该边两个端点的数字之和。上述每个数字必须刚好使用一次。

Note: Another name for the tetrahedron (四面体) is triangular pyramid (三角锥).


Can you find a solution that satisfies ALL of the above conditions?Let’s work on this problem until we find a solution!


First step is always the most challenging, as we are usually not sure which path to take when facing a difficult problem. Don’t be afraid to try; when it does not lead to where we expect, reflect on why it does not work and have another try where we have a better chance.

(第一步)试了几次后,发现最小的两个数1 和 2应该被分配到顶点而不是边上。在连接1,2的边上的数字应是3。

(Stage 1) After a few trial-and-errors (or guess-and-checks), we come to focus on the two smallest numbers 1 and 2, and decide that they must be assigned to the vertices, not the edges.
Why? Because if one of them (say 1) is assigned to an edge, they must be the sum of two numbers assigned to its two endpoints, therefore the two numbers at the endpoints must be even smaller. However, this is impossible, as the number 1 and 2 are already the smallest.
Tetra -1-s1

Which vertices to assigned numbers ‘1’ & ‘2’? In a tetrahedron, any two vertices are adjacent, and the whole solid is highly symmetric – by rotating /reflecting, any two adjacent vertices can be transformed to the two designated ones. This is settled! We can assign numbers ‘1’ & ‘2’ to any two vertices, and the edge connecting those two vertices shall be assigned number ‘3’.

Well begun, half done! But there is other half, for which we start by some frantic trying.

(第二步) 最大的数字11 应该分配到一边上。 这条边的端点不是 1 或者2。

(Stage 2) This time we look at the largest number 11. Suppose we assign it to an edge that’s adjacent to ‘2’. For the edge, one endpoint is ‘2’, the other endpoint – it must be ‘9’. We are now in a situation that we cannot go on any further. ConTetra -1-s15sider any edge with endpoint ‘9’ (other than the edge we already assigned ’11’): which number shall we assign? It can neither be ‘1’ nor ‘2’ nor ‘3’ (since all these numbers have been used, we are not supposing to repeat numbers). Smallest available number is ‘4’, but 9 + 4 = 13, which is not in the given set of numbers.

So the edge to which number ’11’ is assigned cannot have any endpoint ‘1’ or ‘2’; and take another look at the figure, we decided that it must be the edge that is the furthest from the edge ‘3’. And we mark 11 there.

(第三步) 分解数字 11 成两数之和。11 = 4 + 7 = 5 + 6. (注意,数字 1,2,3 已被用过了。) 只有这几种可能性,试试就得了。

(Stage 3) Tetra -1-s3

Decompose 11 into the sum of two positive numbers (but without using number ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’), we have the following two: 11 = 4 + 7 = 5 + 6. A couple of trials will finally lead to the solution! We leave it to be worked out by the reader.

What knowledge we have used in this whole process?



  • Numbers and its operation – you have to understand addition and subtractions of integers.
  • Shapes – you are not asked to do any calculation like perimeters and areas, but you have to understand an edge is constituted with two endpoints, and which edges meet and which do not (we call them the furthest edges).
  • Logic deduction – see how we’ve used the fact that 1 and 2 are the SMALLEST to deduct that they MUST be assigned to vertices, not edges; and we’ve used the fact that 11 is the LARGEST to deduct that they must be assigned to an edge.
  • Also see how we have used some symmetry to reduce the situation we need to consider.

What is the lesson we learned? Try – Think – Try again where we have a better chance. Use thinking / logic reasoning as a guidance so the trial can efficiently leads to result.

Perfect Beauty of math in the Symmetry


Symmetry -01

Look at the above figures. Which of them are symmetric? Which of them are not?

For the symmetric figures, what are the lines of symmetry (if applicable)?
In a symmetric figure, we can produce as many isosceles as we like. Do you know the easiest way to find them?

We need to explain on the last figure (the figure at the bottom right). It is consisted of two circular arcs with different radii. The two arcs are glued smoothly (at the gluing point). This last figure is not symmetric.

Not only this figure is NOT symmetric, but also we CANNOT pick out from it a sub-figure that is symmetric, as long as the figure contains both arcs with different radii. But can you argue for this claim?

最后一个图形是非对称的。 不仅全图非对称,而且你找不到对称的子图 (只要子图中包含了半径不同的圆弧段)!

Sometimes a figure might not be perfect under the given condition, but we are tempted to produce a figure that is more perfect than the one given in the question. For example, we might draw an isosceles when the given one is scalene, and draw a special quadrilateral (e.g. a rectangle) when the given one is just a trapezoid, or even arbitrary quadrilateral. This is the Pitfall! that we shall avoid.

数学教育小故事 (之一):卖桔子的故事



首先他在春节期间把 160 盆桔树拉到郊区的花市卖(注意这是在中国南方,很暖和,所以市场开到很晚)。他发现那里的市场竞争好厉害,价格高过10 元就没人问。 结果他以 10 元每盆卖了 160 盆,收现金 1600 元。到第二年春节,他找到闹市旺地,而卖桔树的比较少, 并且灵活调节价格。如下:

下午六点到八点来的是上班一族,偶尔碰上平时不多见的桔树,立马掏钱,不在乎价格。结果以 60元每盆卖出了 40 盆。到了晚上九十点钟,顾客开始挑了,要货比三家,买又好又便宜的,于是他降价到20 元卖出 40 盆。十一点以后,顾客抓住了摊主想卖掉,因而想趁收摊前捡便宜。于是他再降价到10元,卖出了20盆。总计收现金 60 × 40 + 20 × 10 + 10 × 20 = 4600 元,多获利 3000, 并且收现总量是头年的 3 倍。作这个实验的经济学家叫张五常,是今天中国的一个大腕。






下面是我们精选了四种网上资源 (都是英文的 — All resources mentioned are in English )。而且所有这些都做了努力,方便在手机上使用!但是对于小读者,我们建议在Laptop 或者 Tablet 上阅读参与; 这样有利于保护视力,也不必小小年纪就沉迷手机。

1. PBS CyberChase

推荐参加者年龄 8 – 12 岁 (小学)

PBS 大家熟吗?是美国一个公共电视台。这个 CyberChase 是它旗下的一个学数学网,包括数学学科里的 12 部分知识点,比如方程几何等。
每部分都有几十个视频讲解,有搞笑动画,真人演绎的小故事,能够帮到孩子直观准确去理解数学概念, 且印象深。

2. Math Dictionary for Kids

推荐使用者年龄 9 – 15 岁 (小学,初中)

这是数字化时代的网上工具,值得孩子们和父母们经常浏览 – 以前讲案头必备,今天的时代把它收入收藏夹就好了!

[部分可能需要 Flash 才能使用 — 这是一个缺憾。不过没有安装Flash的话,也可以使用: 例如本人试了Quick Reference,可以查到小学初中的大多数词汇。]

3. Math and Multimedia

推荐读者年龄:10 岁 – 高中和大学低年级


4. Math Playground

推荐参加者年龄: 6 – 13 岁 (小学)

Math Playground 就是在乐园里玩数学。学玩结合是西方教育这几十年来一直提倡的。让枯燥的规则在轻松的游戏中变得生动,易于为小孩子把握,是不错的教育思路。

对于 4-7 年级 (9 – 13岁)孩子巩固基础数学概念,在游戏中学会思考,理解数学方法,有些助益。
推荐 1 – 3 年级孩子 可以玩,通过游戏培养爱数学。但要少玩一点罗:注意保护视力和培养注意力(玩游戏太多的孩子注意力容易分散 – 即使网上数学游戏也不宜多玩)。


英国的剑桥 (Cambridge) 也有一个专为中小学生设计的数学学习网站。印象是非常好的,但是小编要再深入看一下,才好写评论和推荐。如果读者性急,下面就是该网站的地址了:

